Enderson Zeledón
Enderson Zeledón is 9 years old.
When Enderson was born, he experienced neonatal asphyxiation, a birth injury that causes cerebral palsy. His mom noticed that he couldn’t move his lower limbs, support his neck, or eat or swallow like a healthy child and he received the diagnosis at about one year old. When he was five, he began to stammer some but he could not talk or walk. His movement was limited and he could not say discernible words prior to his time at the Mercy Center.
Enderson is part of the first group of Mercy Kids - he’s been part of the center since April 2018. Since coming to the center, Enderson has improved his articular stiffness (his joints have improved range of motion!) and fine motor skills. He has started saying some words and his intellectual abilities have developed greatly.
His birthday is January 9!
Enderson is sponsored!
Thanks to a generous donor, Enderson is sponsored! Follow the button below to see other kids in need.