Elian Salgado

Elian Salgado is 6 years old.

When Elian was born, he had no disabilities. When he was 16 months, he was infected with Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus that causes high fevers, joint pain, rashes, and headaches. These symptoms can last for months and cause complications in young children.

The high fever left Elian with neurological damage, limiting the function of his left leg and his ability to speak.

Elian has been attending The Mercy Kids Center since May of 2018. Thanks to physical therapy at the Center, he can walk without falling. Elian’s ability to speak has improved greatly thanks to the educational support our staff provides.

He is a shy, sweet boy that loves The Mercy Center team.

Elian’s birthday is April 22!

Elian is sponsored!

Thanks to a generous donor, Elian is sponsored! Follow the button below to see other kids in need.

Elian is sponsored!