Anyeli Ramírez
Anyeli Ramírez is 10 years old.
Due to hydrocephalus (an abnormal amount of fluid around one’s brain), Anyeli has brain damage. She has a high muscle tone (which means her muscles are less flexible and more rigid than they should be) and therefore has limited control of her muscles. Her joints are stiff, and she cannot coordinate herself well in order to accomplish daily tasks that most of us take for granted.
At the Mercy Center, our physical therapists have focused on positioning techniques, range of motion activities, and strengthening. As Anyeli comes to the Mercy Center only once a week, physical therapy has focused on teaching Anyeli’s family how to best position her joints when she is resting and teach her mom a variety of strategies to encourage Anyeli to participate and improve her coordination. Anyeli’s parents can now appropriately use cushions and stretching techniques to keep Anyeli’s body healthy and in position.
Anyeli is a smiley, sweet addition to the Mercy Center.
Her birthday is September 4!
Anyeli is sponsored!
Thanks to a generous donor, Anyeli has been sponsored! Follow the button below to see other kids in need.